

Whether you’re an individual, a local community group, or a million-dollar organisation – if you, like us, are passionate about protecting our democracy, we encourage you to check out the Framework for a Fair Democracy as well as the resources below.

Explainer: It’s time to shine a light on the shady world of political lobbying

Stronger regulations on professional lobbying need to be introduced and enforced to make our democracy more transparent and fair.

Explainer: An opportunity to make our elections more truthful, transparent and fair

When it comes to electoral reform, the devil is in the detail. This explainer outlines how upcoming reforms could expose hidden money and level the playing field in our electoral system.

What is JSCEM?

The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters. What is it? Why is it important? And how has the #OurDemocracy community engaged in the process?

Industries that donated the most in 2021-22 financial year

On Feb 1, the Australian Electoral Commission released its annual donations and spending data for politicians and parties over the previous financial year (2021-22). 
We found that big corporate donations and dark money are still dominating the Australian political landscape.

Webinars: #OurDemocracy Deep Dives

We are hosting webinars to unpack key reforms or issues in our campaign and create a space for our community to connect with each other and experts.

What’s climate got to do with electoral reform?

What do electoral laws, social media, climate change and secure work have in common? The links between these four priorities provide a unique opportunity for change. Prof Joo-Cheong Tham explains

Civil society statement on electoral disinformation

During the 2022 federal election 16 community, human rights and religious groups have called on all candidates to refrain from misleading voters and commit to reforms to stop the spread of disinformation.

Report: “Confronting State Capture”

By its nature, state capture is usually hidden, often in plain sight. The scandals that hit the news are the tip of the iceberg. The report breaks down six modes of influence used in state capture, and most importantly what we can do about it.

State Capture Case Study: Fossil Fuel Industry

Taken from ADN’s “Confronting State Capture” report, this case study explores the ways the fossil fuel industry has leveraged it’s financial power to exercise control over the political process.

State Capture Case Study: Arms Industry

A case study from ADN’s “Confronting State Capture” report exposes the pervasive tactics used by the arms industry to intervene in politics.

Report: “Selling out our democracy”

This new report by the Human Rights Law Centre exposes how the powerful fossil fuels, gambling and tobacco industries are taking advantage of Australia’s weak integrity laws and distorting our democratic processes. 

Participatory Democracy

Active Democracy Australia is supporting people to create or join electorate action groups and host kitchen table conversations to strengthen democracy and representation.

How does your MP vote on issues that matter to you?

This excellent, open-source resource helps you quickly get a sense of how your MP votes on issues in Parliament. A great resource for preparing for a meeting with your MP.

Fossil Fuel Money Distorting Democracy

A deep dive by ACF into how the fossil fuel industry uses its wealth to distort democracy away from the public interest, and towards their private profits.

Democratic Freedoms

The Human Rights Law Centre program for democratic freedoms includes whistleblower protection, freedom to protest and the #OurDemocracy campaign.

The Rise of Corruption in Australia

In this series, Crikey investigates the rise of corruption in Australia, with a focus on looking at public life behaviour through the prism of soft corruption.