
The #OurDemocracy campaign is no longer live – but the campaign for a fair democracy continues in other forms.

It’s time to overhaul our dodgy lobbying laws

In Australia, big business groups are using professional lobbying to sway decision makers to serve their own interests, rather than what’s best for the broader community. 

We need stronger regulations on professional lobbying, with proper enforcement, to make our democracy more transparent and fair.

AEC data shows major parties received nearly $50M in dark money last financial year

Annual political donation disclosures released by the Australian Electoral Commission show that political parties continue to receive tens of millions of dollars of ‘dark money’ – showing a serious lack of integrity and transparency in our political system.

Here’s how we win:

We need to reset the rules of our democracy so it will work better for all of us.

Through significant legislative reform and the building of a powerful movement of concerned Australians, we’ll show that our democracy must put people first, not corporate profits.

The Framework

Our Framework for a Fair Democracy outlines a series of common sense, comprehensive reforms that would break the cycle of corporate donations and cosy relationships with our elected representatives.

People Power

Together, we took action demanding political support for the Framework for a Fair Democracy.

Expose the Problem

Sunshine is the best disinfectant. We worked to expose all the ways in which our political leaders are selling us out, and hold those who do the wrong thing to account, and remind them that they work for us, their voters.