
Training: MP ENgagement

In our current democratic system, money can – and does – influence policy outcomes. 

To get big money out of politics, a range of policy experts working on the #OurDemocracy campaign have developed a detailed and credible set of electoral reforms.

Help us show our leaders what strong electoral reform looks like by meeting with your MP.

During this training we’ll cover the whole process, from requesting an MP meeting, writing an agenda, holding the meeting, and what to do afterwards. We’ve got lots of handy tips, tricks, templates and resources to support you. 

We’ll also provide more background on the electoral reforms we’re calling for and how to best talk about them. 

Remember, you don’t have to be a political or legal expert to meet with your MP. Just by showing up you’re sending a message to your elected representative that you care about a fair and transparent democracy.

This training is on Wednesday 23rd August at 6:30pm AEST (that’s 6:00pm in SA and 4:30pm in WA) and will be held online via Zoom.

After registering you’ll receive an email with the link to get into the meeting.

This event has passed.