Please note the #OurDemocracy campaign is no longer live – but the campaign for a fair democracy continues in other forms. The website exists as a source of information and resources but is does not reflect a current campaign alliance and is not being updated.
We bring together people, organisations, and experts from across the country to work towards a shared vision – a political system where our elected representatives reflect the values and concerns of our communities, and decision making is balanced and fair, with people and the planet at its heart.
We want Australia to be a place where the people we send to Parliament to represent us really do work for us – not just for the powerful few.
How we work

We are building a movement of people all across Australia who speak up for a democracy which puts people and planet, not profit first.
The campaign was developed by three organisations – the Australian Conservation Foundation, the Human Rights Law Centre and the Australian Democracy Network – together with the input of over 30 more. These core organisations continue to develop policy solutions and campaign for reforms, but just as our democracy belongs to all Australians, the #OurDemocracy campaign belongs to a wide range of people and organisations passionate about making our democracy fairer for all.
Whether you’re an individual, a local community group, or a million-dollar organisation – if you, like us, are passionate about protecting our democracy, we encourage you to pick up the Framework for a Fair Democracy and the #OurDemocracy campaign materials and champion them in your community.
First Nations Justice and #OurDemocracy

At #OurDemocracy, we recognise that we cannot achieve a healthy democracy until we have justice, rightful recognition and genuine reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The #OurDemocracy campaign acknowledges that Australian democracy is a political system that was imposed upon First Nations People and is a part of our colonial legacy. We recognise that historically, Australian democracy explicitly excluded First Nations Peoples from holding the same rights as white settlers.
Our political system has been built on racist foundations and continues to systematically deny justice for First Nations Peoples’ authority and right to self-determination. We also recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were the first campaigners for equality and human rights in this country, and we have much to learn from their experiences and perspectives.
The organisations that lead #OurDemocracy recognise that racism and colonialism are everywhere, every day, and First Nations Peoples are disproportionately impacted by issues of corporate influence and corruption in our politics. #OurDemocracy is committed to a process of continuous reflection to ensure First Nations justice is prioritised and anti-racism principles are embedded in our work.
This is not a destination, but an ongoing process — we’ll keep this page updated as we go.