Make a submission to JSCEM
The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM), has just announced their Inquiry into the 2022 federal election, and they are seeking submissions.
This is an essential opportunity for us to speak up to level the playing when it comes to elections. Right now, no limits apply to spending on elections by political parties and campaigners. This means those with the deepest pockets can control what narrative voters hear.
A cap on election spending would create a fairer national conversation where the best ideas are able to rise to the top, not the biggest bank balance.
Making a submission is an effective way to ensure election spending caps are on the new government’s reform agenda.
Everyone is invited to make a submission – you don’t need to be an expert! Submissions can contain facts, opinions, and recommendations for action, and there’s no requirement that they come in any particular format. Your submission does not have to be long – a few sentences are sufficient. Submissions close October 7, 2022.
What to include in your submission
Useful submissions make a clear argument, contain recommendations for action, and provide sources for any references.
- Start by introducing yourself and why you care about a fair democracy enough to take the time to write to the committee.
- Clearly identify the key issue you want to raise (reforms to the funding of elections) and why it concerns you. Eg “Thank you for reading my submission to the inquiry. I would like to support the idea of introducing caps on election spending”.
- Draw on your own knowledge or experience of the issue.
- You can refer to research and data if you like! There are some resources below, if you reference an online publication, please include full web addresses.
- Be polite, respectful and clear. A member of the public service or committee members staff will be the first to read your submission and will exclude anything that features discriminatory content, foul or offensive language.
Submissions checklist
The committee inquiry is a legal process, please ensure you’ve checked this list off.
- Has my submission been written for the purpose of the inquiry?
- Have I checked that this is not material that has been published previously? (eg. you can’t paste an article you’ve previously written, or copy and paste from somewhere else).
- Have I commented on some or all of the terms of reference?
- Have I provided my return postal or email address and contact details with the submission? **our submissions form automatically includes this**
- Have I ensured that my personal details are excluded from the body of the submission?
- If I want to make a confidential submission, have I made this clear in the submission and included reasons for requesting confidentiality?
Extra resources
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Making a submission – APH
- #OurDemocracy’s Framework for a Fair Democracy
- Human Rights Law Centre’s report: Selling Out – How powerful industries corrupt our democracy
- Australian Democracy Network’s report: Confronting State Capture
- If you have any further questions or would like any additional support please contact info@australiandemocracy.org.au
This action is now complete. You can read more about JSECM here.